
Seriously, where did September go? I usually dread September because it always draaaaaaags on. Not this time around!

There is so much to look forward to this month! October is our anniversary month (9th) so we’re looking to celebrate with apple picking or fright fest or a nice dinner at Toby Keith’s new bar in Rosemont (clearly still deciding). I want to drink a TON of apple cider and wear fall like clothes every day. I’ll probably end back up brunette (let me be honest – I love being a blonde but I can’t really keep up with all the touch ups). It’s the month of ALL of my yearly check ups (nice to get them all done at once and out of the way but it makes for a long week or two). Momma and I are planning massages :). We’ll be shopping for the majority of the stuff for our apartment and starting to pack (the most exciting). The best part? We’ll be visiting Ikea!! October is also the official start of Gossip Girl, the Pretty Little Liar Halloween episode, Jersey Shore, and American Horror Story! Ridic, I know.

Side note: I picked up a lot of our kitchen stuff this afternoon and it was so overwhelming but exciting to actually cross stuff off my list. I can officially say I’ve begun packing. The only thing I’ve bought before this for our apartment was a kitchen table (that will be put together tomorrow) and a crap ton of candles (we’ll never have to buy a candle again..for real).

I spent a few hours at O’Hare today watching a new plane come in. It was a pretty big deal seeing as it was it’s first flight. They greeted the crew with flowers when they got off the plane. As it was pulling into the parking area the fire trucks sprayed water over the plane. Very cool to see – definitely something that doesn’t happen often. I’m happy to have been apart of it! I’ve included some pictures below 🙂

After working tonight I have 2 days off (what?) – I have no idea what I’m going to do. Put together our kitchen table is #1 (have to put it together just to make sure all the parts are there and not broken since we only have 30 days to return it if something IS wrong – the 30 days will be up by the time we move in). Probably end up at the gym and maybe pack some more? Who knows!


Going through the firetrucks


PS – Thank you to everyone for the funny texts about bringing back my Facebook. I realized I wouldn’t have all my pictures from Europe if I deleted it for good (they were stored on my old computer) so I spent one night deleting over 150 people! Felt so good 🙂

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